I had a realization this weekend while watching college football…bear with me if you’re not a football fan, I wasn’t either until two of my 3 kids headed off to SEC schools. Lol.
But after the game, this analogy really hit me, and I just needed to share it with you…
Intention plays a role in EVERY success we have.
(but there’s more to it than that…)
If you’re a college football fan, you saw a great example of this over the weekend. Alabama played Georgia; and Alabama was supposed to lose.
Every analyst, including a game-projection model that’s run 10,000 times, had undefeated Georgia winning BIG. They were 12-0, while Alabama suffered an early, unexpected loss to Texas A+M and just barely beat Auburn last weekend. So everyone, even diehard Alabama fans, predicted a loss for Alabama which would have likely taken them out of contention for the playoffs and national championship….
And yet...
From the start it was all Alabama. Whether you love Nick Saban, hate him, or don’t know who the heck he is, he and his team showed us this weekend that strong intention leads to success.
When you have intention of doing something, you’re not hoping, wishing, or desiring that it happens.
Intention means that you’re GOING to make it happen.
Whatever it is, YOU’RE going to make it happen.
And Nick Saban and the entire Alabama football team MADE IT HAPPEN when the odds were clearly against them.
But here’s something else I started thinking about after that game.
(And we can all use this valuable lesson when we’re working on building a better practice…)
As practice owners and managers, we often have the intention of making our practices a success. No question about it, we want to do more, help more, and achieve more in the practice. We want to help more people.
But if we’re the only ones with that intention, it can get exhausting and make us want to give up.
Have you ever felt exhausted and alone? Like you were the only one pushing things forward? Have you ever reached the point where you were so exhausted you wanted to give up? To give in and sell out?
If so, you’re not alone. Many, if not all of us, go through this at times.
The best solution is the one that Nick Saban showed us all this past weekend.
Getting all of your team members on board, all having the same intention, and the same drive forward toward a common purpose, WILL result in huge wins for patients and the practice!!
By putting everyone’s attention on helping patients get the care they need to recover, you can create the intention of HELP; something that everyone can get on board with. When the entire team is focused on helping patients, the practice and your patients WILL win!
Here are some areas where everyone at your front desk must have the intention to help:
Converting New Patients and getting them to arrive for care
Preventing same-day cancellations and no-shows
Handling objections to getting in for care
Scheduling out the full POC and getting patients seen for their prescribed visits
Handling financial objections and creating value
And prevention of patient drop outs
One area where YOU need to have strong intention is on your recruiting and hiring lines. Potential recruits need to know what the practice’s intention is – to help ALL people get the care they need and deserve to fully recover - and they need to be on board with that from the very start...if they aren't, your patients and the practice will struggle.
Before I go, I have a few questions for you:
What is one intention you’ve had that ended in the desired result you were looking for?
What’s one area of your front desk that you need help creating the intention of helping all patients get the care they need and deserve to fully recover?
As always, I hope I gave you something new to think about.
As part of my front office training, your team will learn about mindset, intention and control when working with and managing patients throughout care. It's just one stop along the path to ensuring patients get the care they need and deserve.

Wishing you the best, today and always,
PS: If you’re tired of feeling alone, of being the only one who’s pushing things forward, you can schedule a Free Discovery Call to learn how Front Office GURU can help you build team intention at your front desk and in your practice.

The Front Office GURU Training Academy is an online training platform for you and your front desk! It's great for team building and establishing successful systems and training for your front desk. And the BEST part? YOU don't have to recreate the wheel - it's ALL done for YOU!! Just set up your team and they can get started right away...
Your Patient Care Coordinators will feel welcome and supported as the training is ALL about them. And even MORE is coming soon! Click HERE for more info and get started right away!