by Dee Bills, Front Office GURU | New Patients, Patient Arrivals, Patient Care Coordinators, Same-day Cancellations, Schedule Efficiency
How many new patients canceled or didn’t show up last week?
Or even worse, in the past month?
This has become an increasing problem for private practices over the past three years.
And practice owners are also finding that people are less committed to their care because of the changes that insurance companies enacted during this time.
This creates more work and stress for private practice healthcare employees who don’t have investors flooding money into the company.
And that means that every dollar counts.
How much does every new patient who cancels or no-shows cost you?
For example,
Practice A’s average reimbursement is $75 per visit and their average POC is ten visits.
Practice A is losing $750 each time a new patient cancels or no-show.
If they had five new patients cancel or no-show in a week, that would equate to $3750 per week.
Or close to 200K per year!
And this doesn’t include the shoppers who call and don’t get scheduled in the first place.
Based on your average reimbursement and POC, how much do you lose when a new patient cancels or no-shows for their evaluation?
Are new patients who cancel and no-show causing you to invest more in your marketing and promotions to bring in more new patients who will, hopefully, “stick”?
Or do you need to work more, just so your practice breaks even or turns a small profit?
Many practice owners are feeling the effects of declining reimbursements and massive inflation, so each time a new patient cancels and every lost new patient adds even more stress.
And if you calculate your loss over 52 weeks, what will you have lost by the end of this year if something doesn’t change?
What if reimbursements continue to go down?
Or if more patients, also dealing with inflation, stop investing in their health?
How will you and your team adjust? Can you continue to keep working more? Will your team agree to that?
We all have our limits, and I don’t want you to reach yours because I’ve been there, and it isn’t a fun place to be.

What if I told you there IS an effective solution to new patient cancels and no-shows?
One that gives you effective tools to get more new patients to arrive for their scheduled evaluation.
What would you focus on if you didn’t have to put in so much time and money into training staff or marketing?
When used as directed, my front office systems get the results every practice owner and manager needs to run an efficient and effective practice, and prevent new patient cancels. Say goodbye to new patient cancels, hopefully forever!
So, if you’re ready to get more new patients to arrive for their evaluations, click the button below to get started and learn more about my virtual academy today.
If you’re still unsure and would like more information about Front Office GURU or to schedule a free call, click here.
I can’t wait to have you join my front office family and get what you need so new patients arrive for their evaluations!

With The Front Office GURU Training Academy®, you can have the tools you need to provide consistent training to your front desk.
When you provide consistent training, your team is more successful and success in their position helps to decrease turnover.
Here are just a few of the essential topics we cover in this program:
How to have the right mindset when speaking with patients.
How to get more new patients to schedule and arrive for their evaluation appt
How to talk about the cost of care and handle patient worries about costs
How to PREVENT cancels and no-shows (and also how to handle someone to keep it from happening again)
How to fill your schedule and keep it full
Watch this video to learn more: